On the European Stage: Pearle* unveils its 2024-2029 Priorities for the Live Performance Sector
Cultural Policy & CCI
EU elections 2024
Press release
Press release
Brussels, 16 September 2024

On the occasion of the first plenary session of the newly elected European Parliament after the summer break, Pearle* - Live Performance Europe unveils its policy paper, “On the European Stage: Priorities for the Live Performance Sector 2024-2029.” The document outlines five strategic pathways designed to ensure the vitality and sustainability of the live performance sector across Europe.

The policy paper addresses key areas of development, including harnessing the innovative power of artistic creation, emphasising the human-centred nature of live performance, and championing sustainability. It also highlights the importance of fostering cultural exchanges and embracing digital and technological advancements. These five priorities offer solutions to both present and future concerns of the sector.

As Members of the European Parliament have started their work in the Committees and are now meeting in Plenary, Pearle* invites them to engage on the different items outlined in the paper. These priorities align with the Council’s strategic agenda and the European Commission’s political guidelines, ensuring that they are not only relevant to current issues but also closely aligned with wider European policy objectives.

Anita Debaere, Director of Pearle* emphasised, “As Europe navigates new challenges, this policy paper calls upon Members of the European Parliament to embrace these strategic priorities, ensuring that the cultural sector remains an essential force in the social, economic, and artistic fabric of Europe.”

Pearle* Priorities

On the European Stage: 2024-2029 Pearle* Priorities for the Live Performance Sector
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