Ecodesign and energy labelling (May 2018)
With this paper, Pearle* gives input to the consultation on the revision of the ecodesign regulations which have an impact on stage lighting.

The live performance sector is committed to the goals of the EU in relation to climate change. Concert venues, theatres and others have adapted their buildings or are in the process of making those energy-efficient. Most of the spaces in the buildings, such as the entrance hall, the auditorium, etc. are already equipped with ecologically-friendly lighting. In the production of performances, concerts and shows ecologically-friendly approaches are taken into consideration as well. 

However, organisations in the live performance sector are most concerned about the revision and call on the Commission to keep an exemption for stage lighting. The ban of traditional lighting used for professional purposes for stages in theatres and other venues would have a detrimental impact on the sector. Most of the theatres could not afford to replace all technical equipment which has been used for years and is still fit for purpose for many years ahead. Technically, LED lights - which are alreadt used on the stage for certain purposes - are not suitable to replace the whole range of lighting for a performance.     

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